Changing the Administrator Password for Windows

Below are the instructions for changing the Administrator password for a server using Windows Server 2003, 2008 or 2012. Please choose the option that matches your current setup.

Changing the Administrator password in Windows Server 2003 :

  1. Login to your server.
  2. Select ‘Administrative Tool’ from the Start Menu.
  3. Select ‘Computer Management’ and click on ‘Local Users and Groups.’
  4. Double-click ‘Users’ and right-click the Administrator Account. Click ‘Set Password.’ Note that it is safe to proceed in the event a warning appears.
  5. Enter your new password and retype it to confirm it. Then click ‘OK.’

Changing the Administrator password in Windows Server 2008/2012 :

  1. Login to your server.
  2. Select ‘Control Panel’ from the Start Menu.
  3. Click on ‘User Accounts.’
  4. Select the Administrator Account.
  5. Click on ‘Change the Password.’
  6. If you are prompted for the current password, please enter it. Otherwise, type in the new password and retype it to confirm it.

Tips for choosing a strong password :

  1. Make it eight or more characters
  2. Do not include your user name, real name, or company name
  3. Do not use a complete, dictionary-based word
  4. Make it significantly different from previous passwords
  5. Use a combination of upper case and lower case letters, numbers and symbols

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